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Southview School

Southview School is a 3-19 day special school for Physically and Neurologically Impaired (PNI) children and students situated in a modern, inclusive and accessible building in Witham.

It is unique in Essex Local Authority as the only special school exclusively for PNI children and students. Southview School is staffed by a highly skilled and dedicated team of teachers, support staff and therapists who work holistically and collaboratively to provide a high quality learning experience for all our children and students. By working with the school team, external agencies and of course parents and carers, we really do put our children and student’s holistic educational needs first!

We are experienced in using a wide variety of equipment and technologies to support our children and students, enhance their experiences and keep them safe. Southview is a school that values standards and achievement and we are extremely proud of all that goes on here.

Julian Cochrane

Southview School

Conrad Road

Telephone: 01376 503505
Headteacher: Julian Cochrane

Joined the Hope Learning Community: 1st April 2018

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  • Market Field School, School Road, Elmstead Market, Essex CO7 7ET

  • 01206825195