The Hope Learning Community has 4 Members.
The role of Members is discrete and distinct. They are the signatories in the Articles of Association and have the power to amend Trust Articles, receive the Annual reports and appoint Trustees as set out in the Articles. Members meet as needed but have a formal AGM yearly.
The Trust is overseen by a Board of Trustees. Trustees are responsible for governing and exercising all the powers of the Trust.
This includes:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, values and strategic direction
- Holding the CEO to account for the educational performance of Trust academies
- Overseeing the financial performance of the trust and ensuring legal compliance.
The Hope Learning Community currently has 8 Trustees and is actively recruiting more. Trustees meet 6 times a year, usually twice a term.
Trustees are supported by the Director of Governance and Compliance who is also clerk to the trustees.
Local Advisory committees
The Hope Learning Community fully embraces local governance structures. Our LACs have delegated functions as set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. The Trustees remain accountable and responsible for these functions.
The duties of the LACs include:
- Upholding the vision and ethos for the relevant academy, ensuring it fits within and promotes the vision and ethos of the Trust.
- Safeguarding and promoting the values of each school
- Supporting the Headteacher or Head of School and being a critical friend
- Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety within each school
- Engagement with the school's key stakeholders eg parents/carers, pupils and staff
- Advising the Trustees about local issues that are affecting the academy
LACs meet at least 3 times a year.
Within this section on the drop down menu, you will find information about our Members, Trustees and Local Governance Committees along with access to a selection of governance and legal documents.