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Trustees' Information


Meeting Attendance 2022/23

Accordion content

Trustee Board Meeting Finance Audit Risk and Premises committee
Michael Andrews 6 out of a possible 6 6 out of a possible 6
Susanna Frost 6 out of a possible 6 N/A
Alan Goggin 5 out of a possible 6 4 out of a possible 6
Jon Kinnell resigned May 23 5 out of a possible 5 N/A
Kerry Lindenappt. May23 1 out of a possible 1 N/A
Michael Lucking 5 out of a possible 6 6 out of a possible 6
Darren Shaikly 5 out of a possible 6 4 out of a possible 5
Russell Sheldon 5 out of a possible 6 N/A
Gary Smith 6 out of a possible 6 6 out of a possible 6 (advisor to committee)


Meeting Attendance 2021/22

Trustee Board Meeting                Finance Audit Premises and Risk Meeting
Michael Andrews  7 out of a possible 8  7 out of a possible 7
Susanna Frost  5 out of a possible 8 N/A
Alan Goggin  6 out of a possible 8  7 out of a possible 7
Jon Kinnell  6 out of a possible 8  1 out of a possible 1
Michael Lucking  7 out of a possible 8  6 out of a possible 7
Darin Shaikly (appointed 31st March 2022)  1 out of a possible 3 N/A
Brian Shaw (resigned January 2022) 1 out of a possible 3 N/A
Russell Sheldon (appointed May 2022) 1 out of a possible 2 N/A
Gary Smith CEO  8 out of a possible 8  7 out of a possible 7 (advisor to committee)



Meeting Attendance 2020/21

Trustee                           Board Meeting            Finance Audit Premises and Risk Committee

Michael Andrews         6 out of possible 7         6 out of possible 6

Rachel Barrett              4 out of possible 4         3 out of possible 3  (resigned Feb 2021)

David Beardwell          0 out of possible 1          N/A                           (appointed June 2021)

Susanna Frost              3 out of possible 3          N/A                           (appointed Feb 2021)

Alan Goggin                 7 out of possible 7        6 out of possible 6

Jon Kinnell                    4 out of possible 4          N/A                            (appointed Dec 2020)

Michael Lucking           4 out of possible 5      2 out of possible 2      (appointed Oct 2020)

Brian Shaw                  3 out of possible 7      6 out of possible 6

Gary Smith                   7 out of possible 7     6 out of possible 6        (advisor to committee)


Meeting Attendance 2019/2020




                Board meeting

  Finance Audit and Premises                                             committee                 

Jim Addison

             1 out of possible 1


Michael Andrews

            5 out of possible 5

                5 out of possible 5

Ian Coleman

              1 out of possible 1


Alan Goggin

              4 out of possible 5

             5 out of possible 5

Brian Shaw

              5 out of possible 5

             3 out of possible 3

Gary Smith

              5 out of possible 5

             5 out of possible 5


Trustees' Declarations of Interest




Mike Andrews


Director - E.ON UK Trustees Ltd - From January 2018.

Alan Goggin

Vice Chair

ECC Local Councillor May 2021

Colne Radio Board Member - From December 2015



Gary Smith


Director - ESSET

Member of NAHT

Married to Sarah Smith, employee at Market Field School.

Stepdaughter employee at Market Field School

Director - Market Field Farm Ltd

Trustee -  Market Field Farm - From August 2020

 Related  party and connected supplier: ABA Pathways

Trustee Market Field Football club From December 2023

Russell Sheldon

None declared

Michael Lucking

None declared.



Susanna Frost

None declared.            

Kerry Linden

Safeguarding consultant, Special Olympics GB May 2023-August 2023

Darin Shaikly                                     Director - Landwood Limited property development

                                                                     Interest in Market Field Farm - from April 2022

                                                           Related party and connected supplier: Shaikly Motors.

Simon Walters -  None declared.

Members' Information



Committee  membership

                                                       Declared Business and Pecuniary Interest

Mike Andrews




 E.ON UK TRUSTEES LTD. - Director from Jan 2018

Roger Morris - Bishop of Colchester


Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance - Director from July 2014

Innervation Trust - Trustee from Sept 2016

Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services - Trustee from Sept 2016

Keys Cooperative Academy Trust - Trustee from September 2020

Ormiston Academies Trust - married to Trustee/Headteacher

Chelmsford Diocese Board of Education October 2023




Caroline Haynes

(Appointed 1.10.18)


Vine Schools Trust - Trustee from May 2016

Jeff Brindle

(Appointed 8.12.20)

Sigma Trust: CEO and a Trustee until 31/08/20 and then worked in a part time capacity for Sigma until 31/08/21


Keys Co-operative Academy Trust - Trustee from June 2017



  • Market Field School, School Road, Elmstead Market, Essex CO7 7ET

  • 01206825195